Friday, 16 January 2009

Lord Of The ???

"shaoWa, do you hear that noise?", asked DikDik. "What noise? *Crunch, crunch*", replied shaoWa with that blank look on his face while eating his favourite keropok "Walkers, sensastions". Sweet Thai Chilli were the seducing words that attracted everyone into eating it. But only a few survived after falling for the seduction and those few who survived suffered from a life-time deficiency, the SLOW syndrome. And that was what happened to our good old buddy, shaoWa. Even kan makai butang pun, it took him about half an hour to do so. But even so, shaoWa never stopped eating the keropok. Kalau habis, he'll buy more.

DikDik shouted, "HEAR PROPERLY! YOU *TUT**TUT*TUT*TUT*TUTT*TTTUTUTT*TUTT*TUUUTTTTT*TUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT*". The words of the wise. So powerful sampai orang mendangar tarus mental block. shaoWa after fully recovered from the mental block (approx. 2^(2x - 4)second where x is the speed of light in air/speed of light in the brain * the probability of the event x happening) said, "Aaahh.. I can't hear a thing. Oh wait! What's that noise?!". From inside shaoWa's room, they could hear someone singing. As they remained in silence and listen attentively to it, someone knocked on the door. THUD! THUD! THUD!

ShaoWa and DikDik didn't move nor wipe the sweat on their forehead or arah bulu ketiak durang. The door swung open fast and an object was thrown into the middle of the room. "BBAAMMMM!!! FLAASSSHHHHH!!!", all shaoWa and DikDik saw was just white light and all they could hear was just "NNNNEeEEEEeeEEENNNnnnGGGnngGG". IT WAS A FLASHBANG! A second after all that happening, everything turn into a slow motion for shaoWa and DikDik. shaoWa, for the first time, let go of his "sensations" and went for DikDik's hand. "Dik.... Dik.....""shaO.... Waaa...." Both called each other's names before the slow-mo effect started to fade.

"FREEEZZZEEEEE! NOBODY MOVES!" A loud voice echoed in the room. DikDik and shaoWa could barely see the figure of a buffed man. But what caught their eyes the most was the appearance of a big orange gun-like thing held by the man. A second later, the man turned around to lock the room with the gun still pointing at shaoWa and DikDik. By now, their sights and hearings had fully recovered from the flashbang and they could see the words on the back of the man's uniform which read " HAFIZ ASTRAL O1 ". The word ASTRAL terrified them. ASTRAL was the legendary apprentice that people had always talked about and feared.

The man turned around and took off his helmet. "The name is Astral. I'm on a one man army mission to rendezvous the far end of Ivyholme and as suspected there are non-humanized activities deep in there." Astral lowered his gun. shaoWa, tried to talk to Astral but ended up talking like a mouse and kept on holding DikDik's hand. DikDik, on the other hand, even though scared, talked to Astral in a cocky manner, "TUT..TUTTT...TuutTTttTTttTuuuTTT... Are you really that TUttt Astral?! Tutt.. TUUTTttTTT..TTUUTT..." Astral replied instantaneously (without having mental block), "Yes, i am. But i am no hero, i'm just an apprentice."

Suddenly, noises were heard. "Waaraaapuuuchiitauuu! Waaraaapuchiitauu!!" ShaoWa who was still mentally blocked by DikDik's wise words, was then mentally blocked lagi! With the equation (e^(f(X)=x).P(X)=x)) where X is the event of getting mentally blocked twice.. And every second, the noice amplified at e^112 of the previous second.


To be continued....